Vom Geliebten Haus Health Guarantee
All our puppies are examined by a vet of our choice just a few days before they are placed with families. Each puppy comes with a complete health report, including vaccinations and de-worming records. Owners agree to take their new puppy to a vet of their choice within 3 business days of purchase. After that we offer 26-months replacement guarantee* for congenital defects, if any. We do not cover veterinary costs and do not cover trauma related injuries.
*conditions apply
We believe that a puppy is for a lifetime. We do careful screening of our families to ensure that all of our puppies/dogs are going to their forever homes. We ask families to perform their research to ensure this is the right breed for them and it meets their lifestyle and expectations. German Shepherd breed has a number of genetic health predispositions - and no matter how much testing we can do on the breeding stock dogs, sometimes a health condition will happen in a puppy just because it is a German Shepherd Dog breed. We always say that we can only minimize the risks, but no-one can ever fully exclude them. A new puppy also poops and bites and frankly, I feel silly I have to even say that. But trust me, in our breeding career we have dealt with puppy families that were surprised about the fact. After the sale of a dog, the dog(puppy) legally becomes a property of the new owners. We understand that, for a variety of reasons, buyers may elect to rehome their pet during any time of their ownership. Per our sales contract, if for any reason buyer can no longer care for the dog purchased from us, they must inform us. ​Buyer has an option to return previously purchased healthy dog to us. Shipping to Vom Geliebten Haus must be paid by the owner that surrenders the puppy/dog. In a situation that dog had no health exam in the last 48 hours, or has a medical condition diagnosed during the surrender exam, Vom Geliebten Haus reserves a right to refuse acceptance of the said dog or to offer to quarantine this puppy/dog for a minimum of two weeks and take the puppy/dog to a licensed vet of our choice for a complete medical exam with buyer being responsible for the expenses. Vom Geliebten Haus will then make ultimate decision of the future of the dog and reserves the right to withhold the information about the dog from the previous owner, who returns the dog. ​ No refund will be given.
In a situation that one of our puppies becomes ill/unhealthy long-term due to a congenital defect, we offer a Congenital Health Guarantee in a form of replacement of sold dog to the original buyer. This replacement Guarantee has a number of conditions that need to be satisfied and are outlined in our Sales Contract. In any medical circumstance, the claim must be accompanied by a written diagnostic statement from a veterinarian, on his business letterhead. Seller reserves the right to have any stated condition verified by Seller’s veterinarian.
We offer this replacement guarantee:
1) Within five business days of receiving said dog, if it is found to be physically unhealthy or defective by a veterinarian of buyer's choice within three business days after the sale. This shall not include infestation of internal or external parasites (fleas, “worms”, coccidia, etc.) or any condition disclosed to the buyer at the time of sale.
2) Within the first two years of dog's life, if a dog is diagnosed with a congenital illness that results in euthanasia due to this illness/organ failure or death of the dog before 24 months (an autopsy must be performed to determine the cause of death to be due to a congenital defect).
This guarantee is in a form of a replacement only. Seller will not refund any part of the purchase price; the ​sole remedy will be a replacement of the dog with a similar pedigree and equal price. This guarantee does not cover contagious diseases, pregnancy/birthing problems, Breed Standard conformation “flaws”, accidents, trauma-related activity, injuries, temperament. This guarantee shall be voided if owner of the puppy/dog has violated any terms of sale agreement. Any guarantee shall be voided by sterilization before two years of age, or by unauthorized breeding. Dogs that die from accidental causes or illnesses that are not proven to be congenital or dogs diagnosed with non-life-threatening conditions or conditions to which there is a cure/treatment will not be replaced. Buyer must notify the seller of dog’s congenital defect within the 26 months from the date of dog's birth with veterinarian documentation, diagnostic results, imaging, and X-rays. Seller remains a right to request a second opinion to be completed with a different veterinarian of seller’s choice per buyer’s expense. If the condition cannot be confirmed by a veterinarian of seller’s choice, or said condition cannot be proven to be congenital, no replacement will be given. The request for a replacement must be in writing. The date a replacement is granted will also be the date the buyer’s name will be entered on a waiting list with respect to all previously accepted deposits (added to the end of the list). Seller makes no other guarantee or warranty, express or implied. Buyer’s sole remedy will be replacement of the dog they have purchased with a dog of equal or greater value for congenital health defects leading to death of a dog. A replacement dog will be of the same gender and will come with the same type of registration but will not be covered by any replacement guarantees. A guarantee is for the original dog and offered to the original buyer only. Shipping of the dog to and from seller is per buyer’s expense. Seller will not refund any portion of the purchase price. Seller will not be responsible for any veterinary expense or any other incidental or consequential expense buyer will incur in ownership of the dog.