German Shepherd Dog breed is a relatively modern breed; its origin is dating to 1899. Being a herding breed, German Shepherd Dog is a working dog developed originally for herding sheep and protecting the shepherd. If you'd like to learn more on how it started, please visit this page on our website: HISTORY OF THE BREED.
As everything man-made, the German Shepherd Dog breed has changed, improved and transitioned during the past hundred years. We now have a very clear BREED STANDARD and breeders around the world following "PROTECT THE BREED" and "IMPROVE THE BREED" practices.
There are several different "types" (or lines) of German Shepherd Dog and each has their own origin, history, size, strengths and weaknesses. Breeders around the globe are working on these different types of German Shepherd Dog, bettering each line for a specific goal. If you speak to any breeder concentrating on one specific line, you will learn that they each find their line to be superior over the other.
Some of the most known lines are: West German Show line, West German working line, DDR / East German Working line and Czech working line. Additionally, there is American Show line, which could be a breed of its own, in our opinion. Some breeders protect the line and will never mix the different lines in their breeding programs. Some owners, handlers and breeders prefer one line over the other; some breed enthusiast are concentrating on a certain line or a few different lines and it is not uncommon to see a pedigree with various mixes of lines.
All of these types of German Shepherd dogs are unique for a variety of reasons, but they all are a GSD.